Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We have a weiner!

I crack myself up.

My apologies to those (Rachel) who commented after the arbitrary cut-off. Blame that on our neighbors who no longer provide us with an unsecured internet signal to poach. I was set on doing the drawing at home where I could take pictures of the proceedings so I had to download the entries yesterday at one of the stops on our wide-ranging tour of free wifi hot spots around downtown Knoxville.

The drawing was simple: I wrote down the names of the nine qualifying entrants on a piece of paper salvaged from the recycle bin and then cut them up into individual pieces. Courtney was excluded because she finally read the book over the weekend (causing her immediate and substantial guilt over drinking canned sodas) and Allie was the one who sent me the book in the first place from her own contest.

First the field of competitors:

I have a wide selection of headgear from which to pick the winning name and after considering the yellow construction helmet and the inherited straw cowboy hat, I settled on the park ranger’s flat hat.And the lucky winner is…


So JustinS (pronounced justins, as in plural justin, because I think it’s fun that way), keep on smiting your enemies because they're a waste of our air anyway. And if you want your rightful copy of Green Chic, email a viable address to theprettiestdennyswaitress@gmail.com and your prize will be shipped post haste.

(And don't miss the part about nail polish. It'll change your life, dude.)


Anonymous said...

Victory is mine!

Jacob said...

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who habitually pronounces justins as the plural form and things it's funny, albeit ironically.

shelleycoughlin said...

I hope JustinS puts it to good use and saves the Earth in style.

Aaron said...

What can I say? I'm an environmental douche? Still, I'm trying to get back on the commenting bandwagon, so I thought I would mention (on the subject), that I've cut back on my whale harpooning. So that's something.

Anonymous said...

man, i missed all the fun!
oh well. i dont know how to read anyway.

Meaghan said...

I'm sorry, I just have to point out the hat in photo #2 - would that be an official park ranger hat?

Anonymous said...

Oh that is sooooo Justin.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm hoping the book will help me learn the Earth's various weaknesses and make its destruction that much easier for me and my minions. Like if it suggests that I can save the planet by eating fewer Chiclets, I'll start eating Chiclets for every meal (Obviously, I haven't worked out all the kinks yet).

Or at least that's what the UN should think when I threaten to destroy the planet lest they meet my various kooky demands.

Chris said...

Shoot. Now where will I learn the best retailers of flirty sun dresses made from organic, unbleached cotton?

Oh. Right. The Internet.

Congrats Justins.

DailyNewsie said...

Canned soda? Oh, Lord, I'm so curious but at the same time so very protective of my daily Diet Pepsi ...

Julie said...

Yeah... I'm kinda happy I didn't win so I can paint my toenails and drink a canned soda this weekend with inner peace.