Monday, August 11, 2008

Contest update

You guys rock. Your responses to my little contest are great and actually much more than I expected. I suppose a promise of the potential for thousands in cash and prizes and a visit to our showcase will really light a fire in the comments, huh? Oh wait, that was going to be for my next contest; this time we're just doing a little book.

Really, I'm very impressed. I actually feel like maybe you deserve a little more than just this one little book for one lucky person, but going out and buying something just to beef up the prize package would go against the spirit of this contest in the first place. Unnecessary consumption is waste, and waste is sin. At least in my bible it is.

(On an unrelated note, there’s a pregnant woman standing outside the restaurant across the street with a cell phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other.)

Anyway, the next step in my fantastic contest is drawing a winner from the nine or so eligible participants. I’ll do that tonight or tomorrow and then try to collect contact information from the winner after I post the results. Things aren’t happening too quickly on the internet around here, though, so if I’m not exactly prompt bear with me. We’re in our second free wi-fi hot spot of the day after striking out with some technical difficulties in Panera. Wendy’s is much less comfortable, the music is too loud and our signal is inconsistent. As Courtney pointed out a little while ago, it’s as if the universe is conspiring to force us to pay for internet. Blasphemy!


Will said...

Paying for internet? We do that but the problem we run into is that our wireless is spotty in our house so we only occasionally have problems connecting and need to steal the signal from the neighbors. We are reluctant bandwidth thieves.

shelleycoughlin said...

Wendy's has free internet? Wow. I kind of feel like I need to explore the wi-fi options of my neighborhood rather than pay Comcast a ridiculous sum of money every month.

Allie said...

The hubs just bought some kind of program for his iphone that will allow him to rig everything together and get a connection for his computer through the phone. Although, at the end of the day the whole thing probably costs as much internet access.

overtly trite said...

doesn't she know cell phones cause cancer?

Anonymous said...

I didn't enter because I'm not as Green as most of your readers. I do recycle though. That still counts for something, right?

Meaghan said...

Since I'm pregnant, too, do you think I have the right to go up to people like that and smack the cigarette out of their hand? I can say my parasite made me do it!

Julie said...

Meaghan is brilliant. I challenge you to see just how often you can get away with that.

Mickey, perhaps you can just cut up some more t-shirts for the rest of us as a consolation prize.