Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's not supposed to rain all year, right?

I just took my second shower of this spankin' new year (way ahead of the curve) and now I think I'm ready to get back to blogging. I feel clean enough for it. You didn't wait for me, I hope?

So here we are, another calendar year closer to our deaths. What?! Don't roll your eyes at me. You know it's coming too, and every year in the books is another one less to live. It's not morbid; it's just something to keep in mind, that's all. Who knows- this could be the year...

Okay, you should probably roll your eyes at that last part. That's morbid.

So how 'bout those holidays? I hope you celebrated something, at least. I'm not a religious person either (except about breakfast; I will have my breakfast and it will be accompanied by something good to read, so help me god, amen), but you never need an excuse to celebrate. They tell me it's the holidays, so goddamnit let's have a holiday.

My holiday time (we call ours Christmas) was pretty cool. I got stuff (a new camera.) I gave stuff (mostly socks.) I'd say it worked out in my favor if we're keeping score. Which we're not. My grandmother (the one from New Jersey who buys me malt liquor) bought a condo near my parents, which is kinda sad for me because her current residence is the only place left from my childhood. It won't be the same without summers in Cape May. But that's selfish, because while I have nostalgia, her whole life is there. I hope she knows there's no beach in Atlanta.

New Year's Eve found the lady and I with her parents at the Georgia Dome to watch Tech get the crap beat out of them in the Chick-fil-a Bowl, and not only did they not have free chicken sandwiches there, but they were charging more for them than they do in the stores (but never on Sunday.) Rip! So basically the highlight of the evening was when the crowd, disgusted with the underwhelming performance of the hometown team, turned the flyers attached to every seat (Who would have guessed that BB&T offered free checking? Everyone, that's who!) into actual flyers as paper airplanes rained down onto the playing surface.

Leaving early in the fourth quarter (Courtney's dad, a Tech alum, was ready to claw his eyes out by halftime), we stopped at Waffle House on the way home for some waffles and decaf, making it back just in time to ring in 2009 like all good Americans, right in front of the TV, which is exactly where most of us will spend far too much of the year ahead.

If we're lucky. Because this could be the year. So watch out.


The Dutchess of Kickball said...

Wow, that was pretty morbid. And people claimed my death pool was too morbid.

Jacob said...

I don't see that as morbid so much as just honest.

Julie said...

No, silly. They don't have the actual food at the stadium. When we were there last year, they rained down little plush cows (sporting parachutes) on the crowd and they had coupons for free food attached. Plus they posted a website on the scoreboard where you could sign up for free food. Not only did we get a sandwich coupon, we also got free calendars in the mail a month later. I'm so sorry your experience there was not better. Mostly because Matt was also thinking about eye-clawing. That was just sad.

Nice sparkly, feelie-bobbers by the way. That's the perfect way to celebrate the new year on your blog.

Anonymous said...

I intend to live like Benjamin Button - getting closer to birth with every passing year.

Stefanie said...

If by "THE year," you mean "the year the world ends," you could be right. Or so the copy of The Star that I inexplicably found at my parents' house would have us believe. When my father started buying tabloids I have no idea. Every time I visit them they've picked up some weird new quirk.

The Modern Gal said...

I think I may have told you this before, but I covered the Outback Bowl last year and they brought Bloomin' Onions to press row (at 11 a.m., no less) and served Outback steak and chicken for lunch. For free, of course, because we're spoiled. Not sure the Chick-Fil-A arrangement, but I'm sure it's similar. Actually, that's not as exciting because we get Chick-Fil-A before basketball games on a regular basis.

You're allowed to hate me now.

DailyNewsie said...

I watched the Chick-fil-A Bowl on television at a Mexican restaurant in Nashville on New Year's Eve, hoping to catch a glimpse of you guys. No luck. The daiquiris were damn good, though.

Noelle said...

The only thing I hate more than chicken is Christian chicken.

Glad you had a happy holiday season and got better than you gave!

Courtney said...

There was no free anything to be had, Julie. I don't want their stupid calendar, but I would have liked some free food, or the promise thereof.

The paper airplanes were the only fun part of the game. It got to the point where every time a plane made it all the way down to the field, our entire side of the stadium would cheer, despite our team being 1,456,345 points in the hole. It was almost as sad as Dick Clark.

Allie said...

I've got you beat by one shower. :)

A Free Man said...

Watching Tech get smacked about and going to Waffle House sounds like a perfect way to spend New Year's Eve.

Chris said...

On the holiday note, I'm thinking of throwing a Festivus party next year -- not because I want to detract anything from Christmas, just because I think a Festivus party would be a lot of fun.