Thursday, January 10, 2008

Procrastination Nation

I’ve got three stories to write today because I like to wait until the day they’re all due to get them done and filed. I tell myself that it must be better to do them ahead of deadline, but I can’t be sure because I never have. Good thing they’re all off the top of my head and don’t require extensive research or sources. Take my intrepid bus/bike trip yesterday: I neglected to mention that a big part of my motivation was that it’s worth $100 if I can wring 750 words out of it, which I surely will, no problem.

Of course I sat around yesterday when I had nothing to do here at my “real” job checking your blogs every five minutes, reading every moderately interesting Salon article and passing the time by writing reviews of books I read 10 years ago for my nascent page. And today, of course, now that I need to write these pieces of crap somebody’s misguided enough to pay me for, I’m getting piles of work shoveled my way. I’m not really complaining, I guess, since despite all that I’m still sitting here typing out a post for you people. Such is my dedication. And my penchant for ill-advised diversion.

Seriously, I’ve got a lot of shit to do here now that I think about it. Do you think my employer minds that I spend my workday using their computer to blog and write articles on the side for extra cash? Yeah, I don’t see what the problem is, either.

By the way, the return leg of my journey yesterday went fine and I even stopped by the library to pick up a book (The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan) after being shamed into it by Meaghan the goodreads Nazi. She likes reading. It’s fundamental.


shelleycoughlin said...

Mickey, you inspired me to finally change my layout. Congrats to you (and me!). Also, how do you people have random freelance writing jobs?! I need me one of those.

Meaghan said...

As long as your employer doesn't know you are doing freelance work while at your "real" job, it should be fine. There was a horribly bad reporter working at the paper at one point (imagine that) who came in late every day and missed huge items at meetings. One day Mike asked her what she was working on, she said, "Oh, just something for my freelance job."

Needless to say, she didn't last too long...

Courtney said...

Blogging and freelancing should always take priority over regular work. Duh.

Mickey said...

Courtney and Meaghan- Agreed.

NPW- Answer: Have a girlfriend with a random freelance job who badgers you until you finally send the publishers an email asking for some work. Proceed to send them 3 half-assed and poorly-written 800-word "articles" each month on whatever comes to mind while sitting at work trying to kill time. Then wait for the checks to come rolling in.

Allie said...

Wow. That is a good freelance deal. Seriously.

I feel you on putting stuff off until the last minute. I am the queen of procrastination. I can convince myself it's imperative that I read celebrity "news," or check the weather, or see what the latest deal is on SteepandCheap. Then I go watch like seven hours of PBS and call it research for my blog. Antiques Roadshow counts right? Antiques are recycled.

Anonymous said...

I spend lots of time goofing off at work, too. I would like to be paid for it.

There's no reason I should be punished for doing my regular work so quickly that I end up with free time.

Chris said...

Plainly, you are a much more devoted blogger than I. I bow to you.