Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nucking Futs

You know how people like us, that is to say "earthbound" folks, tend to view skydiving as maybe the scariest thing we can think of this side of a Tea Party rally? Apparently there are people very much not like us (and I don't just mean neo-cons,) people who derive no thrill from simply jumping off of or out of something and plunging rapidly toward the hard earth and certain death, with only the hope of being saved at the last second by a carefully folded sheet of nylon, people who have decided that skydiving is not enough- that they want to skydive really, really close to stuff.

Just watch this short video, and then call your mom and promise her you'll never do anything like this.


Noelle said...

More dangerous than skydiving? Driving your car at 55MPH through Gardiner, New York while the skydivers are jumping out of a plane at Skydive The Ranch. It's just so damn DISTRACTING. Speaking from experience here...

The Modern Gal said...

Apparently everyday kinds of deaths like car wrecks and heart attacks just aren't enough

Lynn said...

My phone is not ringing.

Sid said...

I've skydived and absolutely frigging love it. It's definitely something I'd do again. Not so sure about base jumping or bungee ...

Allie said...

Wow. I almost lost my lunch just watching that.

Just watched this clip - love what he says about fear and courage. Although, I don't think I'd want to apply it to his level.

Anonymous said...

You should read about what he is working on next. As if this isn't crazy enough. He is working on landing without using a parachute, just gliding to a safe landing in his wing suit. And all this is after him and a friend were flying close to a bridge when his friend got to close and after hitting the bridge, Jeb flew through his friends "spray". There is video.


Julie said...

I would love to go skydiving. Looks like fun! I am not so interested in the flying squirrel suit. I guess I prefer my risk taking the old-fashioned way.